What is Ionic Silver?
Ionic Silver Hydrosol
It sometimes is generically known as colloidal silver. However, Ionic silver is more bioavailable on the cellular level. S.O.S. Ionic Silver is a broad-spectrum natural germ killer and positively supports the immune system. It is often times a natural alternative to antivirals, antibacterials, anti-fungals, antihistamine and antiseptics. S.O.S. Ionic silver speeds healing and promotes healthy immunity. S.O.S. Ionic silver topically brings down inflammation, fights infection and therefore reduces topical pain.

Advanced Manufacturing
S.O.S. SURVIVE ON SILVER- Our ionic silver is produced using one of the most advanced pieces of equipment available resulting in a highly stable product. S.O.S. SILVER is 5 PPM concentration and manufactured without any added ingredients, only ULTRA PURE DE-IONIZED WATER AND 99.9% SILVER. We make no compromises when it comes to quality. The only real measure of quality silver is its effectiveness or bioavailability and bioactivity! The product should have a positive charge and be of minimal size for silver to affect the cells outer protein layer to the mitochondria inside the cell. While the body can release a few ions of silver from metallic silver, it is far from the benefits of the direct oral intake of trillions of silver ions!

Why you need the S.O.S. Silver Multi-Use Kit with the application bottles!
Highly effective silver, Convenience & Economy
Yikes, everyone around you is getting sick. Now you’re feeling sick with allergies, a cold or the flu. The kids are not feeling good either, now in daycare or school.
Your eyes are burning and itching. The kids are prone to ear infections, you need a dropper application bottle.
Your nose is running or stuffed up, you need a vertical nasal spray bottle.
Your throat is on fire, you need a sprayer bottle. The kids can even use it themselves!
You need to take a therapeutic amount of silver, so you need the convenient 4oz travel size bottle with the flip top ( in the 32oz kit)
You need a good quality silver to fight infection, speed healing, boost immunity and you still need other herbs and supplements to get feeling better as soon as possible.
Yikes, look at your options. These choices are not convenient or economical.
So the Famous Multi-Use Kit was created for you and your family.
Highly effective silver, convenience & economical.
Every household should have a kit or 2 on hand for all the various ways silver can be used for all ages, internally, externally and year round! After you have a Multi-Use Kit kit, purchase an 8 oz, 32 oz or the gallon size.
"I couldn't survive cold season without my S.O.S."
— Satisfied Customer
Buy Bottle Kits and Refill as Needed!
Save Money with our Bottle Kits - Refill with 8 oz, 32 oz or 1 Gallon Options

Pets & Livestock
Use for Livestock and Pets - Click here for usage guidelines.
S.O.S for Piercing
Enjoy the hole experience...
S.O.S. Ionic silver protects against infection, calms inflammation and enhances tissue healing.
We know that the biggest problem with any piercing is the follow through with the proper after care prescribed. S.O.S. Silver prevents and treats local infections and regular use will maintain a healthy piercing.
Ionic silver is a natural anti-bacterial, mineral solution that is safe, non-toxic and beneficial to swallow.
Retail Locations
Sunlife Health Foods
2302 Hwy 2 East
Kalispell, MT, 59901
A-1 Vacuum
140 W Center
Kalispell, MT, 59901
Montana Family Chiropractic
118 1st Ave West
Kalispell, MT 59901
Heaven's Peak Organics
355 US Hwy 93 North
Eureka, MT 59917
Back on Track Chiropractic
5 S. Meridian Rd.
Kalispell, MT, 59901
Artistic Barbering
236 2nd Ave. West
Kalispell, MT, 59901
Sundrop Health Foods
639 9th St West
Columbia Falls, MT, 59912
Atlas Chiropractic
46 Village Loop Rd.
Kalispell, MT, 59901
Withey's Health Foods
1231 S Main St
Kalispell, MT, 59901
Third Street Market
244 Spokane Ave.
Whitefish, MT, 59937